Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials



Seasonal Flowers

Same day local delivery available in Cumnock on orders before 12pm, Monday to Saturday

Pay by Visa, Mastercard, Paypal



Beautiful sympathy flowers, specially designed and made by The Flower Shop dedicated team of skilled florists are the ideal way to express your condolences.

Whether you’re sending sympathy flowers to friends, family, colleagues or loved ones, our thoughtfully selected collection of sympathy flowers includes a range of styles and colour schemes, including soft shades and pastel colours. All sympathy flowers are delivered complete with your personal message card helping you to express your feelings at this most difficult of times.

At The Flower Shop we deliver throughout Cumnock and the local area including to local funeral directors. We also offer national and international flower delivery via Direct2florist. Same day sympathy flower delivery is available too - simply place your order before 2pm Monday to Saturday and we’ll take care of the rest.