Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials



Seasonal Flowers

Same day local delivery available in Cumnock on orders before 12pm, Monday to Saturday

Pay by Visa, Mastercard, Paypal



Struggling to find the right words? Why not send your deepest condolences and say your goodbyes with a beautifully arranged floral pillow? Signifying a final, comfortable resting place, The Flower Shop beautiful range of funeral flower pillows come in a range of colours and sizes, all expertly designed and made to order using a selection of specially chosen flowers.

Our floral pillow range includes a selection of the most popular deigns for you to choose from or, if you’re looking for something uniquely meaningful, let us know and we’ll create a bespoke design just for you. All floral pillow tributes ordered through The Flower Shop are delivered by our specialist delivery team to the Funeral Directors or a house across Cumnock and the surrounding areas.