Gift Flowers

Sympathy Flowers

Florist Specials



Seasonal Flowers

Same day local delivery available in Cumnock on orders before 12pm, Monday to Saturday

Pay by Visa, Mastercard, Paypal



Congratulations! It’s time to celebrate another year together with a beautiful bouquet of romantic flowers. Whether you’re celebrating one year, 10 years or a landmark anniversary such as a Ruby, Silver or Golden Wedding anniversary, there’s no better way to celebrate than by sending flowers from The Flower Shop.

Whatever your special one’s favourite flowers, we’ll help you celebrate by lovingly designing and delivering your dream bouquet. Or why not use our Florist Choice service where our talented team will select the best quality flowers on your behalf, guaranteeing a gorgeous gift.

We deliver across Cumnock and surrounding areas – with same day flower delivery possible if you’ve left it late! Just let us know and we’ll help make sure your anniversary is remembered for the all the right reasons.